Kraig J. Rice

Christ never asked us to live for Him
He asked us to let Him live through us


Looking At Sanctification (Holiness)...(Genesis chapter 6)

Our Obedience to God (Genesis chapter 2)

The authority of the believer (Genesis chapter 3)

Looking At Sin (Genesis chapter 3)

Looking At Loneliness (Genesis chapter 25)

Promises of God (Genesis chapter 36)

Healing scriptures (Genesis chapter 20)

John exercised humility (Revelation chapter 1)

Jesus loves you and I very much (Revelation chapter 3)

Overcomers are not to forget their first love for Christ (Revelation chapter 2)

Love for God and others is the trademark for every Overcomer (Revelation chapter 2)

Overcomers are to exercise faith (Revelation chapter 2)

An Overcomer is to remember (Revelation chapter 3)

Every Overcomer is worthy (Revelation chapter 3)

Overcomers are to endure trials with patience (Revelation chapter 2)

An Overcomer is to shun false teachers and their teachings (Revelation chapter 2)

The false doctrine of Balaam is spiritual poison (Revelation chapter 2)

The false doctrine of the Nicolaitans is also spiritual poison (Revelation chapter 2)

Overcomers are to have works fit for a King (Revelation chapter 2)

Each Overcomer is to repent when necessary (Revelation chapter 2)

Christ's messengers are referred to in symbolism as angels (Revelation chapter 1)

Christ's Overcomers will wear white (Revelation chapter 3)

Every Overcomer will suffer persecution (Revelation chapter 1)

God chooses some Overcomers for martyrdom (Revelation chapter 2)

Hold fast, persevere, and do not quit (Revelation chapter 2)

An Overcomer is to shun sexual immorality (Revelation chapter 2)

An Overcomer is to shun idol worship (Revelation chapter 2)

An Overcomer is to shun self sufficiency (Revelation chapter 3)

Some bible scriptures to study

Miscellaneous links

Christophanies in the Old Testament            Index of Gospel Tidbits
Take the Holiness Test                            Do You Need Encouragement?
Celebrate Christ's Resurrection  

Deity of Christ

Are you keeping at your work?



The Christian Counter
August 6, 2007